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How I beat cancer | Hayley Dubin Interviews Reena jadhav

In this episode, Reena Jadhav shares with Hayley Dubin how she beat cancer then autoimmune crisis through her 7 dimensions of the health pyramid.

She had colon cancer at age 35 and an even more distressing autoimmune disease with 28 symptoms at 45 years. Traditional medicine could not help her, so she decided to take charge of her own health. Fifteen months later she had reversed all the symptoms. Reena went through big experiments and small changes that made her the healthiest she has been.

This episode also discusses Reena's 7-step formula for living healthy, the mindset needed to improve, how visualization helps overcome health crises, and what to look for when hiring a doctor.

If you enjoy this episode then please share and like it so many more will have access to important information on beating chronic diseases. More information about Reena's programs can be found at

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